Friday 23 August 2013

Lawn Care Tips For The Home Owner

A great looking lawn is not only an aesthetic asset. It also provides curb appeal to your home, driving its value up to more than it would fetch without that lawn. And, if you want to have a vibrant and healthy lawn and one, as beautiful as the most beautiful lawns in your neighborhood, here is some lawn advice that will help you to achieve your goal.

Just like any other living thing, your lawn needs food or sustenance. Years of observation have confirmed that calcium is one of the best foods that you can give to your lawn to promote its health. Feed your lawn calcium and the cell walls of your grass blades will grow stronger and be able to withstand excess heat and draught circumstances. In addition, it will also give them the strength to battle weeds that challenge them.

Usually, a simple visual inspection will give you a clue as to whether your lawn is receiving enough calcium in in its food choices. The leaf blades will begin to curl or possibly even die. Without calcium, the grass roots will become weak and susceptible to diseases. But, there's also a fine line between too much and too little. Too much calcium and your grass roots will have difficulty absorbing potassium and magnesium from the ground.

Calcium is readily available in many places. You can obtain it from common foods such as egg shells. You can also get calcium from gypsum and limestone.

It is important to take into consideration the fact that not all grass seeds are of the same quality. Seeds come in different quality packages. Some come with a greater number of weed seeds than others. In addition, all grasses are not suitable for all environments. Buying grass seeds from your local garden center gives you a much better chance of obtaining seeds that are right for your environment.

Your local center will be much better positioned to inform you of the specific grass species do best in your area. In addition, your local garden center can usually give you great suggestions and advice on the best ways to take care of your lawns once the seeds begin to sprout.

Mowing your lawn is also a factor in keeping your lawn healthy. For the first couple of times that you mow the grass in the spring, set the blades low and cut the grass close to the ground. This helps to get rid of some of the winter damage done to the grass. In subsequent cuttings, however, raise the blades to their normal height.

If your lawn has a lot of thatch, attach a dethatching blade to your lawn mower. As the blade rotates, it will cut into the thatch and rip it out of the ground. When done mowing the lawn, take a rake and rake the loosened thatch. This will allow air, water, and nutrients to reach your grass roots.

Many homeowners make the mistake of over applying herbicides to their lawn. At the first weed they'll rush out to their sprayer and begin to douse the area with poisons. This is bad for a couple of reasons.

One, if you have children or pets, they'll probably be playing on the lawn areas that you just poisoned. And, secondly, a better method of protecting your lawn from weeds is to strengthen your lawn. In addition, many homeowners are discovering that organic fertilizers can work as well or better on their lawns - thus eliminating the need for chemical herbicides.

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